Fed up of the monotony that is meal times whilst homeschooling, trying to maintain your job as well as keep your sanity?
You're in the right place! I am a small business owner and mum to 3 lil dragons aged between 3-10 years. I have heard the parental cries of misery and woe from Facebook groups to Instagram posts and WhatsApp groups on what to cook for lunch, what snacks are being given and what to cook for dinner.That's if you can even be @rsed by the time you've curated 5 meals by 3pm! Do they ever stop eating?
Let's face it Mum Life ain't all roses especially when faced with the added pressures of a global crisis.
In response to the SOS call of my fellow Mother in distress I made a list of the things my family likes to eat and asked 10 of my friends to contribute 15 meals that are their go-to family dishes. I wasn't sure how this would turn out but as it happens I've managed to curate a ma-hoosive list, with a little help from my friends, of over 300 meal ideas (yes you read that right, 300) for the whole family!!! It's not just about the kids, we have to eat too, right :)
I have also created a 4 week meal plan rota which means you'll be able to sort your family meal times out in one fell swoop and not have to think about it for weeks. You can even put it on repeat, who'll remember what they ate 4 weeks ago!
If you'd like to lighten your load and mental frustration and get some meal time inspiration you can download our Meal Planner + Meal Ideas here for FREE! A gift from me to you :D
Meal planning is dull but what it does do is:
- Free up mental energy so you're not constantly trying to think of different meal ideas
- Plan your online shop in advance knowing exactly what you need to buy
- Save money as you're not just adding your favourites to the baskets hoping they'll get eaten but you end up throwing away half of them due to poor meal planning
- Give you better meal rotation for a balanced variety
- Motivates you to try different meals and cooking techniques
- The kids (if old enough) will stop nagging you with 'What's for dinner?' as they can real the meal planner on the fridge.
- Save precious time! As working mother's and business owners time is money and better put to growing our business and getting on top of our workload.
Get our Meal Planner + Meal Ideas here and liberate your mind, body & soul.
If you have any meal suggestions please drop them in the comments below and I'll add them to the next edition.
Shim 💚⚡💛
Mutha of Dragons (and Daisies)