It’s Anti-Bullying Week here in the UK, something that is close to our hearts! We're proud that all our clothing and accessories have a positive vibe running through them to help build and instil confidence in kids whilst allowing them to maintain their unique sense of style and character.
Everything our likkle one/s does or achieves is extraordinary in our eyes. From their first steps and first words to their first day at school, every chapter of their lives is an incredible achievement for both them and us, right?
At Dragons & Daisies we believe that all children should know that they are incredible and is the fundamental reason my daughter had the idea for our fun street style tee. Kids should be bigged up time and time again! After all, they are extraordinary likkle humans and they should always know that from day one. There should never be even the smallest element of doubt.
Using positive affirmations to increase self confidence and self worth will not only provide your likkle ones with feelings of self fulfilment, it will also give them the confidence to believe that they are the greatest – giving them the inclination to become the greatest.
Positive affirmations or self affirmations are short sentences that are stated in present tense and repeated daily. By repetition of these short positive statements you can program your mind, body and spirit to believe the statement as true and therefore attracting that thing into your life. Take 5-10 minutes a day (at least) to attract your desired life.
Some examples are:
I am surrounded by love - I am deserving - I am healthy - I am happy - I am successful in whatever I do - I love my body – I learn new things easily – I am the best person for this job – I am full of energy – I am a fantastic parent – I am healthy – I am a great Kid – I’m fun to be with – I enjoy life
We say NAY to bullying and YAY to having the courage to believe in ourselves and knowing we are born to win!!
Shop the look now!
If you suspect or know your likkle one is being bullied make sure you check out the Anti-Bully Alliance website http://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk
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