We are now in the throes of the October half-term and as parents we know finding things for the kids to do can be a challenge. We have put together a curated list of things we think you might like to get involved in which are relatively kind to the old purse strings but offer entertainment for the kiddos too.
Hopefully, you as the accompanying parent will also enjoy. So without any further adieu here we go:
Raver Tots in Hoxton, Vauxhall, Woolwich Essex and More! - Old Skool Family Rave Fun
Raver Tots is all about dancing, overflowing with things to do including face painting, UV lights, bubbles, balloons, confetti and giant parachutes all in a rave style atmosphere with some of the UK’s top DJ’s. Raver Tots is widely recognised as the nations most popular family event, often selling months in advance, with thousands of people in attendance every week around the nation.
Suitable for kids 0-12 years
Various UK Locations, from £6
Get 25% off your ticket here
Morden Hall Park Pumpkin Carving
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM 19-23 Oct
Horniman Museum & Gardens

Under 1 Roof - A Kid's Urban Oasis
I've had the pleasure of meeting the owner of this awesome venue. It's jampacked to the rafters of events for the family.
From comedy and live music to theatre and science shows; we have a wide variety of events at Under 1 Roof. Our fully air conditioned theatre and main space both host events for the whole family to enjoy.
The I O Centre, 9, Skeffington St, Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SR
Check out their events calendar here
Spooky Halloween Arts & Crafts
Our lives as mothers are busy even at quieter times so if arts and crafts can't be explained in pictures then it's far too complicated in my opinion...LOL! I think these ideas are very intuitive and easy to implememnt and of course look great too!

Spooky Halloween Wordsearches
Can you find all the spooky words we've hidden in these wordsearches? 🎃👻🦇
One is intermediate and the other is advanced! Good luck!
Intermediate wordsearch - Download here
Advanced wordsearch - Download here